
case close

today she came to my house while i was sleeping..
i was so surprised tat brother said sy came..
finally we had talk and case closed..
fight and argue ended..


thing happened once again

If I were to tell u,
this happened b4 last year end,
when we were on a trip to langkawi.
tat was a hard time for me,
bt when it had ended
u promise me not to do it again and no matter what is tat,
u'll tell me to share with me.

on 28th of September 2008,
how can this happened again..
u were doing it once again.

i called u more than 20times,
and msg u alot..
u once again left me blankness..
tell me if i am wrong,
tell me if i left u out,
tell me if i am not a good guy,
at least i'll know what is happening,
where went wrong.



ytd was my first time to shot alcohol!
can see?
tio korn-ed by tysern to go to patrick's condo.
And shoting over 10+ cups of liqueue..
it wasn't a good experience,
u noe why,
when u taste alcohol jz a lil bit,
it taste kinda less hard, and.... errrrr.. got taste.
but when u shot alcoholone after another,
it taste really bad and sux because it's really sux..
the drink became tasteless and only PAHIT..

I was too tired after tat due to futsal,
also a lil bit of alcohol effect,
felt warm to sleep..
so i fell to sleep in the blanket til the next day..


today went genting,
along with Shing Yie, Fai and Kelven...
we drove along MRR2->Karak highway->genting hill.
met Ying up there, and we went COFFEE BEAN(outdoor)
siao, the wind was freaking strong and cold..
u noe wat, hot drink also becoming cold in less than 15mins..
ice blended hardly meld.. lol
chit chit chat chat laugh laugh.. ^^
what a night was that..
my besties, and gf all sitting around a table..
will appreciate tat alot alot..



today seems to be kinda not good..

maths lecture seems to a lil clash with my old syllabus..
made me looked so blur during the class..
made me nid to revise at home..
ying said hor:
why must left hand side and right hand side,
what happen if replace it with left leg right leg?
she learned too much from me liao..

account even worse,
she's teaching smthing that i couldn't even understand,
and thx to Iris and Calvin,
ModuLus finally understand a lil bit..

Iris ah, wanna tell u hor,
during lunch leh, i actually really wanna wait for ur meal to reach first then only start eating de,
but hor, my stomach already singing,
so i also not really interested in table manners adi.. lol

sy i miss u..


today i went tysern's house play MJ..
tysern's the big winner for today,
winner need to belanja u know~


new msn/email

hey guys,
i got a new msn address already.


add me pls.. thx

searching for book.

i need to buy a book called:
"business accouting1"
by frankwood

anyone has it?


haih today i skipped another class again..
account again..



feel like posting some questions bout my Malaysia,
but shall I do that ah?
i scared tio arrested leh..

mou tiu just post: Our ruling party

Government made it to the headlines again,
Weng Fei told me about this case.
A ruling party member called Chinese ethnic "squatters".
A reporter had reported his words directly in the newspaper.
fuyohhh, so daring leh her..
However got jail for 24hours I THINK..

Our ruling party,
With this kind of member,
How do they expect the RAKYAT to SUPPORT and RESPECT them?
Isn't that he's more RACIST??

ISA to arrest the reporter or the ruling party member?

Action taken:
the reporter is arrested under ISA,
the party member has been suspended for 3 years…

My question:
1) Did the ruling party make a self-critism over their member’s behaviour at the FIRST MOMENT?

Are they showing how effective are they to
2) Shut off and balance up the situation?
3) Cover their member's wrong doings?

or others?

why do they did so?

Government ask us to study moral studies and M'sian studies for?
shall we ask the ruling party member to study moral or M'sian studies?

wondering what would the answer be for my question..

and I start praying hard for not arrested!

happy mooncake festival~

today mooncake festival leh..
nothing to do now other than bloggin..

today went out with wengfei, helping him to write menu, (for his restaurant)..
while typing, i found myself dono how to read some of those word
For example,

crab also dono how to read de me..
i shall say tat i din score an A in SPM. (==")

then went futsal,
i think today i had my best performance gua since my waist got injured.
My waist injured long time ago and it's fully recovered,
but i just can't perform as last time.
no strength on the waist part.
causing me fail to perform.. =(

Those ADULTs (not lou yeh) are really good.
however, we beat them today..
we bet for 100plus ( isotonic drink, not cash)
we won!!!!!!
and they they bought us EXCEL...........zzzzzz (++"")
"nvm.. it's so sweet", said Ang Thong Siang..
thx to that Ming who striked the last golden goal..
free drinks.. XD

and i got scolded for not yamcha-ing with them AGAIN after futsal..
sry la.. today is mooncake festival, havta go bk to aunt's house there pray pray ma.. next week ler k?

today's story,
is for the future me myself to know what i did today..


aim straight A's

i think and think and think..
Is time for me to archieve international standard,
therefore i wanna study hard for straight A's.

I don wanna leave huge regret for my life.
time nvr back!!

so guys, dear,
don't leave emptiness in ur life~


last week

i was so not disciplined last week,

i have 5classes for tat week but i went only 2..
i went only 4 1/2hrs out of 12hrs. die la die la..

haha... last saturday Weng Fei came bk,
he said he'll come over to my place in 10mins time, which is 12am,
but Malaysian memang Malaysian la..
he came at 1am, (hello hello, oldtown kopitiam also closed shop adi lar)
so we went OUG steven's corner..
my gf said: i spend most of my money in eating!!
what to do,
i only know how to eat,
haha.. cham le she'll kill me..

good night all


New semester

new semester started ler..
taking 4 subjects.. ;-)


1. Maths 1
2. Stats 1
3. Intro to econs 1
4. Accounts 1

they came out with such schedule,

econs1 11-12.30pm
stat1 1-2.30pm

acc1 8-11am
econs1 11-12.30am

maths1 9-12pm
acc1 2-3.30pm

stat1 8-11
math1 12.30-2pm

econs1 8-9.30am

haha.. finally looks more like a course.. XD
my look for the new semester



merdeka countdown in Genting

On 30th of August,
I brought my girl friend up to genting to pay a visit to uncle Lim's best creation~

it was so packed up there parking were all fulled!
luckily after half an hour struggled,
we found a place.
we went outside to the genting hotel,
and there were performances,
got "hot dance" and ''break dance",
until 12am, here comes,

After that, we went to BR31,
however didn't buy..
not really wanna eat,

and lastly before we leaving,
i took a picture of her,
proven that she been there..